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Bloque de U+10900 a U+1091F. Este bloque fue introducido en la versión de Unicode 5.0 (2006). Contiene 29 puntos de código.

El Wikipedia proporciona la siguiente información en bloque Phoenician:

Phoenician is a Unicode block containing characters used across the Mediterranean world from the 12th century BCE to the 3rd century CE. The Phoenician alphabet was added to the Unicode Standard in July 2006 with the release of version 5.0. An alternative proposal to handle it as a font variation of Hebrew was turned down.

Gráfico en (PDF)
Bloque en Decode Unicode

  1. Glifo para U+10900 Phoenician Letter Alf
  2. Glifo para U+10901 Phoenician Letter Bet
  3. Glifo para U+10902 Phoenician Letter Gaml
  4. Glifo para U+10903 Phoenician Letter Delt
  5. Glifo para U+10904 Phoenician Letter He
  6. Glifo para U+10905 Phoenician Letter Wau
  7. Glifo para U+10906 Phoenician Letter Zai
  8. Glifo para U+10907 Phoenician Letter Het
  9. Glifo para U+10908 Phoenician Letter Tet
  10. Glifo para U+10909 Phoenician Letter Yod
  11. Glifo para U+1090A Phoenician Letter Kaf
  12. Glifo para U+1090B Phoenician Letter Lamd
  13. Glifo para U+1090C Phoenician Letter Mem
  14. Glifo para U+1090D Phoenician Letter Nun
  15. Glifo para U+1090E Phoenician Letter Semk
  16. Glifo para U+1090F Phoenician Letter Ain
  17. Glifo para U+10910 Phoenician Letter Pe
  18. Glifo para U+10911 Phoenician Letter Sade
  19. Glifo para U+10912 Phoenician Letter Qof
  20. Glifo para U+10913 Phoenician Letter Rosh
  21. Glifo para U+10914 Phoenician Letter Shin
  22. Glifo para U+10915 Phoenician Letter Tau
  23. Glifo para U+10916 Phoenician Number One
  24. Glifo para U+10917 Phoenician Number Ten
  25. Glifo para U+10918 Phoenician Number Twenty
  26. Glifo para U+10919 Phoenician Number One Hundred
  27. Glifo para U+1091A Phoenician Number Two
  28. Glifo para U+1091B Phoenician Number Three
  29. U+1091C
  30. U+1091D
  31. U+1091E
  32. Glifo para U+1091F Phoenician Word Separator