Number Forms
Bloque de U+2150 a U+218F. Este bloque fue introducido en la versión de Unicode 1.1 (1993). Contiene 60 puntos de código.
El Wikipedia proporciona la siguiente información en bloque Number Forms:
Number Forms is a Unicode block containing Unicode compatibility characters that have specific meaning as numbers, but are constructed from other characters. They consist primarily of vulgar fractions and Roman numerals. In addition to the characters in the Number Forms block, three fractions were inherited from ISO-8859-1, which was incorporated whole as the Latin-1 Supplement block.
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Bloque en Decode Unicode
Vulgar Fraction One SeventhGlifo para U+2150 -
Vulgar Fraction One NinthGlifo para U+2151 -
Vulgar Fraction One TenthGlifo para U+2152 -
Vulgar Fraction One ThirdGlifo para U+2153 -
Vulgar Fraction Two ThirdsGlifo para U+2154 -
Vulgar Fraction One FifthGlifo para U+2155 -
Vulgar Fraction Two FifthsGlifo para U+2156 -
Vulgar Fraction Three FifthsGlifo para U+2157 -
Vulgar Fraction Four FifthsGlifo para U+2158 -
Vulgar Fraction One SixthGlifo para U+2159 -
Vulgar Fraction Five SixthsGlifo para U+215A -
Vulgar Fraction One EighthGlifo para U+215B -
Vulgar Fraction Three EighthsGlifo para U+215C -
Vulgar Fraction Five EighthsGlifo para U+215D -
Vulgar Fraction Seven EighthsGlifo para U+215E -
Fraction Numerator OneGlifo para U+215F -
Roman Numeral OneGlifo para U+2160 -
Roman Numeral TwoGlifo para U+2161 -
Roman Numeral ThreeGlifo para U+2162 -
Roman Numeral FourGlifo para U+2163 -
Roman Numeral FiveGlifo para U+2164 -
Roman Numeral SixGlifo para U+2165 -
Roman Numeral SevenGlifo para U+2166 -
Roman Numeral EightGlifo para U+2167 -
Roman Numeral NineGlifo para U+2168 -
Roman Numeral TenGlifo para U+2169 -
Roman Numeral ElevenGlifo para U+216A -
Roman Numeral TwelveGlifo para U+216B -
Roman Numeral FiftyGlifo para U+216C -
Roman Numeral One HundredGlifo para U+216D -
Roman Numeral Five HundredGlifo para U+216E -
Roman Numeral One ThousandGlifo para U+216F -
Small Roman Numeral OneGlifo para U+2170 -
Small Roman Numeral TwoGlifo para U+2171 -
Small Roman Numeral ThreeGlifo para U+2172 -
Small Roman Numeral FourGlifo para U+2173 -
Small Roman Numeral FiveGlifo para U+2174 -
Small Roman Numeral SixGlifo para U+2175 -
Small Roman Numeral SevenGlifo para U+2176 -
Small Roman Numeral EightGlifo para U+2177 -
Small Roman Numeral NineGlifo para U+2178 -
Small Roman Numeral TenGlifo para U+2179 -
Small Roman Numeral ElevenGlifo para U+217A -
Small Roman Numeral TwelveGlifo para U+217B -
Small Roman Numeral FiftyGlifo para U+217C -
Small Roman Numeral One HundredGlifo para U+217D -
Small Roman Numeral Five HundredGlifo para U+217E -
Small Roman Numeral One ThousandGlifo para U+217F -
Roman Numeral One Thousand C DGlifo para U+2180 -
Roman Numeral Five ThousandGlifo para U+2181 -
Roman Numeral Ten ThousandGlifo para U+2182 -
Roman Numeral Reversed One HundredGlifo para U+2183 -
Latin Small Letter Reversed CGlifo para U+2184 -
Roman Numeral Six Late FormGlifo para U+2185 -
Roman Numeral Fifty Early FormGlifo para U+2186 -
Roman Numeral Fifty ThousandGlifo para U+2187 -
Roman Numeral One Hundred ThousandGlifo para U+2188 -
Vulgar Fraction Zero ThirdsGlifo para U+2189 -
Turned Digit TwoGlifo para U+218A -
Turned Digit ThreeGlifo para U+218B - U+218C
- U+218D
- U+218E
- U+218F