Blok od U +2700 do U + 27BF. Blok ten został wprowadzony w wersji 1.1 (1993) standardu Unicode. Zawiera 192 współrzędnych kodowych.
Wikipedia zawiera następujące informacje na temat bloku Dingbats:
Dingbats is a Unicode block containing dingbats. Most of its characters were taken from Zapf Dingbats; it was the Unicode block to have imported characters from a specific typeface; Unicode later adopted a policy that excluded symbols with "no demonstrated need or strong desire to exchange in plain text", and thus no further dingbat typefaces were encoded until Webdings and Wingdings were encoded in Version 7.0. Some ornaments are also an emoji, having optional presentation variants.
Tabela na witrynie Unicode.org (PDF)
Blok na witrynie Decode Unicode
Black Safety ScissorsGlyph for U+2700 -
Upper Blade ScissorsGlyph for U+2701 -
Black ScissorsGlyph for U+2702 -
Lower Blade ScissorsGlyph for U+2703 -
White ScissorsGlyph for U+2704 -
White Heavy Check MarkGlyph for U+2705 -
Telephone Location SignGlyph for U+2706 -
Tape DriveGlyph for U+2707 -
AirplaneGlyph for U+2708 -
EnvelopeGlyph for U+2709 -
Raised FistGlyph for U+270A -
Raised HandGlyph for U+270B -
Victory HandGlyph for U+270C -
Writing HandGlyph for U+270D -
Lower Right PencilGlyph for U+270E -
PencilGlyph for U+270F -
Upper Right PencilGlyph for U+2710 -
White NibGlyph for U+2711 -
Black NibGlyph for U+2712 -
Check MarkGlyph for U+2713 -
Heavy Check MarkGlyph for U+2714 -
Multiplication XGlyph for U+2715 -
Heavy Multiplication XGlyph for U+2716 -
Ballot XGlyph for U+2717 -
Heavy Ballot XGlyph for U+2718 -
Outlined Greek CrossGlyph for U+2719 -
Heavy Greek CrossGlyph for U+271A -
Open Centre CrossGlyph for U+271B -
Heavy Open Centre CrossGlyph for U+271C -
Latin CrossGlyph for U+271D -
Shadowed White Latin CrossGlyph for U+271E -
Outlined Latin CrossGlyph for U+271F -
Maltese CrossGlyph for U+2720 -
Star of DavidGlyph for U+2721 -
Four Teardrop-Spoked AsteriskGlyph for U+2722 -
Four Balloon-Spoked AsteriskGlyph for U+2723 -
Heavy Four Balloon-Spoked AsteriskGlyph for U+2724 -
Four Club-Spoked AsteriskGlyph for U+2725 -
Black Four Pointed StarGlyph for U+2726 -
White Four Pointed StarGlyph for U+2727 -
SparklesGlyph for U+2728 -
Stress Outlined White StarGlyph for U+2729 -
Circled White StarGlyph for U+272A -
Open Centre Black StarGlyph for U+272B -
Black Centre White StarGlyph for U+272C -
Outlined Black StarGlyph for U+272D -
Heavy Outlined Black StarGlyph for U+272E -
Pinwheel StarGlyph for U+272F -
Shadowed White StarGlyph for U+2730 -
Heavy AsteriskGlyph for U+2731 -
Open Centre AsteriskGlyph for U+2732 -
Eight Spoked AsteriskGlyph for U+2733 -
Eight Pointed Black StarGlyph for U+2734 -
Eight Pointed Pinwheel StarGlyph for U+2735 -
Six Pointed Black StarGlyph for U+2736 -
Eight Pointed Rectilinear Black StarGlyph for U+2737 -
Heavy Eight Pointed Rectilinear Black StarGlyph for U+2738 -
Twelve Pointed Black StarGlyph for U+2739 -
Sixteen Pointed AsteriskGlyph for U+273A -
Teardrop-Spoked AsteriskGlyph for U+273B -
Open Centre Teardrop-Spoked AsteriskGlyph for U+273C -
Heavy Teardrop-Spoked AsteriskGlyph for U+273D -
Six Petalled Black and White FloretteGlyph for U+273E -
Black FloretteGlyph for U+273F -
White FloretteGlyph for U+2740 -
Eight Petalled Outlined Black FloretteGlyph for U+2741 -
Circled Open Centre Eight Pointed StarGlyph for U+2742 -
Heavy Teardrop-Spoked Pinwheel AsteriskGlyph for U+2743 -
SnowflakeGlyph for U+2744 -
Tight Trifoliate SnowflakeGlyph for U+2745 -
Heavy Chevron SnowflakeGlyph for U+2746 -
SparkleGlyph for U+2747 -
Heavy SparkleGlyph for U+2748 -
Balloon-Spoked AsteriskGlyph for U+2749 -
Eight Teardrop-Spoked Propeller AsteriskGlyph for U+274A -
Heavy Eight Teardrop-Spoked Propeller AsteriskGlyph for U+274B -
Cross MarkGlyph for U+274C -
Shadowed White CircleGlyph for U+274D -
Negative Squared Cross MarkGlyph for U+274E -
Lower Right Drop-Shadowed White SquareGlyph for U+274F -
Upper Right Drop-Shadowed White SquareGlyph for U+2750 -
Lower Right Shadowed White SquareGlyph for U+2751 -
Upper Right Shadowed White SquareGlyph for U+2752 -
Black Question Mark OrnamentGlyph for U+2753 -
White Question Mark OrnamentGlyph for U+2754 -
White Exclamation Mark OrnamentGlyph for U+2755 -
Black Diamond Minus White XGlyph for U+2756 -
Heavy Exclamation Mark SymbolGlyph for U+2757 -
Light Vertical BarGlyph for U+2758 -
Medium Vertical BarGlyph for U+2759 -
Heavy Vertical BarGlyph for U+275A -
Heavy Single Turned Comma Quotation Mark OrnamentGlyph for U+275B -
Heavy Single Comma Quotation Mark OrnamentGlyph for U+275C -
Heavy Double Turned Comma Quotation Mark OrnamentGlyph for U+275D -
Heavy Double Comma Quotation Mark OrnamentGlyph for U+275E -
Heavy Low Single Comma Quotation Mark OrnamentGlyph for U+275F -
Heavy Low Double Comma Quotation Mark OrnamentGlyph for U+2760 -
Curved Stem Paragraph Sign OrnamentGlyph for U+2761 -
Heavy Exclamation Mark OrnamentGlyph for U+2762 -
Heavy Heart Exclamation Mark OrnamentGlyph for U+2763 -
Heavy Black HeartGlyph for U+2764 -
Rotated Heavy Black Heart BulletGlyph for U+2765 -
Floral HeartGlyph for U+2766 -
Rotated Floral Heart BulletGlyph for U+2767 -
Medium Left Parenthesis OrnamentGlyph for U+2768 -
Medium Right Parenthesis OrnamentGlyph for U+2769 -
Medium Flattened Left Parenthesis OrnamentGlyph for U+276A -
Medium Flattened Right Parenthesis OrnamentGlyph for U+276B -
Medium Left-Pointing Angle Bracket OrnamentGlyph for U+276C -
Medium Right-Pointing Angle Bracket OrnamentGlyph for U+276D -
Heavy Left-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark OrnamentGlyph for U+276E -
Heavy Right-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark OrnamentGlyph for U+276F -
Heavy Left-Pointing Angle Bracket OrnamentGlyph for U+2770 -
Heavy Right-Pointing Angle Bracket OrnamentGlyph for U+2771 -
Light Left Tortoise Shell Bracket OrnamentGlyph for U+2772 -
Light Right Tortoise Shell Bracket OrnamentGlyph for U+2773 -
Medium Left Curly Bracket OrnamentGlyph for U+2774 -
Medium Right Curly Bracket OrnamentGlyph for U+2775 -
Dingbat Negative Circled Digit OneGlyph for U+2776 -
Dingbat Negative Circled Digit TwoGlyph for U+2777 -
Dingbat Negative Circled Digit ThreeGlyph for U+2778 -
Dingbat Negative Circled Digit FourGlyph for U+2779 -
Dingbat Negative Circled Digit FiveGlyph for U+277A -
Dingbat Negative Circled Digit SixGlyph for U+277B -
Dingbat Negative Circled Digit SevenGlyph for U+277C -
Dingbat Negative Circled Digit EightGlyph for U+277D -
Dingbat Negative Circled Digit NineGlyph for U+277E -
Dingbat Negative Circled Number TenGlyph for U+277F -
Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit OneGlyph for U+2780 -
Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit TwoGlyph for U+2781 -
Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit ThreeGlyph for U+2782 -
Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit FourGlyph for U+2783 -
Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit FiveGlyph for U+2784 -
Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit SixGlyph for U+2785 -
Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit SevenGlyph for U+2786 -
Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit EightGlyph for U+2787 -
Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Digit NineGlyph for U+2788 -
Dingbat Circled Sans-Serif Number TenGlyph for U+2789 -
Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit OneGlyph for U+278A -
Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit TwoGlyph for U+278B -
Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit ThreeGlyph for U+278C -
Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit FourGlyph for U+278D -
Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit FiveGlyph for U+278E -
Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit SixGlyph for U+278F -
Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit SevenGlyph for U+2790 -
Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit EightGlyph for U+2791 -
Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Digit NineGlyph for U+2792 -
Dingbat Negative Circled Sans-Serif Number TenGlyph for U+2793 -
Heavy Wide-Headed Rightwards ArrowGlyph for U+2794 -
Heavy Plus SignGlyph for U+2795 -
Heavy Minus SignGlyph for U+2796 -
Heavy Division SignGlyph for U+2797 -
Heavy South East ArrowGlyph for U+2798 -
Heavy Rightwards ArrowGlyph for U+2799 -
Heavy North East ArrowGlyph for U+279A -
Drafting Point Rightwards ArrowGlyph for U+279B -
Heavy Round-Tipped Rightwards ArrowGlyph for U+279C -
Triangle-Headed Rightwards ArrowGlyph for U+279D -
Heavy Triangle-Headed Rightwards ArrowGlyph for U+279E -
Dashed Triangle-Headed Rightwards ArrowGlyph for U+279F -
Heavy Dashed Triangle-Headed Rightwards ArrowGlyph for U+27A0 -
Black Rightwards ArrowGlyph for U+27A1 -
Three-D Top-Lighted Rightwards ArrowheadGlyph for U+27A2 -
Three-D Bottom-Lighted Rightwards ArrowheadGlyph for U+27A3 -
Black Rightwards ArrowheadGlyph for U+27A4 -
Heavy Black Curved Downwards and Rightwards ArrowGlyph for U+27A5 -
Heavy Black Curved Upwards and Rightwards ArrowGlyph for U+27A6 -
Squat Black Rightwards ArrowGlyph for U+27A7 -
Heavy Concave-Pointed Black Rightwards ArrowGlyph for U+27A8 -
Right-Shaded White Rightwards ArrowGlyph for U+27A9 -
Left-Shaded White Rightwards ArrowGlyph for U+27AA -
Back-Tilted Shadowed White Rightwards ArrowGlyph for U+27AB -
Front-Tilted Shadowed White Rightwards ArrowGlyph for U+27AC -
Heavy Lower Right-Shadowed White Rightwards ArrowGlyph for U+27AD -
Heavy Upper Right-Shadowed White Rightwards ArrowGlyph for U+27AE -
Notched Lower Right-Shadowed White Rightwards ArrowGlyph for U+27AF -
Curly LoopGlyph for U+27B0 -
Notched Upper Right-Shadowed White Rightwards ArrowGlyph for U+27B1 -
Circled Heavy White Rightwards ArrowGlyph for U+27B2 -
White-Feathered Rightwards ArrowGlyph for U+27B3 -
Black-Feathered South East ArrowGlyph for U+27B4 -
Black-Feathered Rightwards ArrowGlyph for U+27B5 -
Black-Feathered North East ArrowGlyph for U+27B6 -
Heavy Black-Feathered South East ArrowGlyph for U+27B7 -
Heavy Black-Feathered Rightwards ArrowGlyph for U+27B8 -
Heavy Black-Feathered North East ArrowGlyph for U+27B9 -
Teardrop-Barbed Rightwards ArrowGlyph for U+27BA -
Heavy Teardrop-Shanked Rightwards ArrowGlyph for U+27BB -
Wedge-Tailed Rightwards ArrowGlyph for U+27BC -
Heavy Wedge-Tailed Rightwards ArrowGlyph for U+27BD -
Open-Outlined Rightwards ArrowGlyph for U+27BE -
Double Curly LoopGlyph for U+27BF