This character is a Puntuación matemática and is commonly used, that is, in no specific script.
The glyph is a canonical composition of the glyphs Glifo para U+003CLess-Than Sign, Glifo para U+0338Combining Long Solidus Overlay. Its width in East Asian texts is determined by its context. It can be displayed wide or narrow. In bidirectional text it acts as Other Neutral. When changing direction it is mirrored into Glifo para U+226FNot Greater-Than. If its East Asian Width is “narrow”, U+226E forms a word with similar characters, which prevents a line break inside it. Otherwise it allows line breaks around it, except in some numeric contexts.
The CLDR project calls this character “no menor que” for use in screen reading software. It assigns these additional labels, e.g. for search in emoji pickers: desigualdad, matemáticas.
El Wikipedia tiene la siguiente información acerca de este punto de código:
La ʾālep (𐤀) es la primera letra del alfabeto fenicio. Originalmente representaba el sonido oclusiva glotal, aunque más tarde comenzó a usarse también como mater lectionis con diferentes valores vocálicos. De esta letra derivan la 'ālaph siríaca (ܐ), la álef hebrea (א), la ʾalif árabe (ا), la alfa griega (Α),[1] la A latina[2] y la А cirílica.